Natural sun. make sure you wear a light sunscreen.Tanning salons or just natural sun?
what do u think?
I know that everyone is looking for that great tan, but both tanning salons or natural sun can cause skin cancer. Trust me I am now paying for my fun in the sun and in tanning salons. I know that everyone thinks that the tanning salons are safe and I am sure to sell the product they will tell you it is safe. Ask a doctor about it. Especially a specialist. Please be careful. If you do go in the sun, please get yourself a very good sun screen. Good luck!
Tanning salons
Both give you leathery skin and sun damage, get a fake tan, a mystic spray, they have those at salons too, and it looks just as good.
Sun but be careful too much sun is harmful to the skin so make sure you have your sun screen .
Tanning salons are not a safe alternative to sun! Tanning beds do offer the ability to tan everywhere though. Just make sure it's a good bed. I recently had a bad experience, and for about the first week, my back had tanned in stripes.
Baking in a conventional Oven or a Microwave?
Need I say more?
Tanning Salons!! It takes less time and the results are much more even.
Get a little natural sun, but not too much.
If you want a tan, get a spray-on one.
Tanning leads to prematurely aged skin at best, and cancer at worst.
i personally do both. i use a tanning salon to help maintan my tan, but i really only get tanner when im at the beach in the sun. i NEVER just lay out in the sun, its really bad for your skin - and always use an SPF on your face! your face is naturally lighter than the rest of your body anyways.
also, please dont get a fake tan. people *say* they look good, but they peel off after a few weeks and its really gross, because a tan is actually in your skin, while the fake stuff is just on the top layer and comes off as your skin renews itself.
I'm inclined to say that the sun is so much safer than tanning beds. In fact, there are studies out that show the sun is actually healthy for the skin and it is the sun bloc applied that may in fact cause skin cancer.
the sun not that i need a tan anyway
natural sun
Too much of either is bad for you.
I'll take 2 weeks in Hawaii any day over 100 tanning days in a salon!
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