Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is it safe to get your hair dyed in a salon when you are 4 weeks pregnant?

No. It's not. A lot of people will tell you not to do it at all. Simple fact of the matter is that as long as it doesn't touch the scalp, and you do it AFTER you are in your second trimester, you are fine. The first trimester is crucial to be as careful as you can. This is when its easiest to miscarry, and also when all your baby's vital organs are developing. You wouldn't want to hinder that would you?

Also, if you're going to do it after the 2nd trimester, try to get an amonia free dye, and do it in a well ventilated area. Even smelling the chemicals can be bad.

Also, be advised. No matter how far along you are - in some pregnant women who color their hair, the color doesn't always hold or color evenly. If you're going to do it, wait a couple of months, and be advised. Good luck.Is it safe to get your hair dyed in a salon when you are 4 weeks pregnant?
hey hun,

First 12 weeks of babies development are the most important.

Some doctors do say its okay. But its not.

The full hair colour the chemicals are consumed onto your scalp into your body.

Highlights or foils are okay as they are placed. 1.5cm from the head approx and dont have any contacts with your scalp also, the fumes arent recommended either...

God Bless xx darling xx Just remember its all for baby xxIs it safe to get your hair dyed in a salon when you are 4 weeks pregnant?
Absolutely not, especially clairol hair color, it has a bad chemical in it and is one of the top 12 cancer causing household toxins. Don't do it to you or your baby.

Oh, and stay out of the salon, there's some bad stuff floating around in there too. Not good for you to inhale while you are pregant.
No your supposed to wait until after the second trimester, the first trimester is when the important neurological growth of the fetus is occuring putting th baby at higher risk of defects. When you do decide to dye ur hair it is also better to do highlights through the hair so less chemicals get absorbed into the body through the scalp.
No you might as well give it up now, it's bad for the baby so just get used to going natural.

Ask your doctor there might be a hair dye or two out there that's safe.

But personally I wouldn't risk doing anything that could hurt the baby.
Avoid dyes in your first trimester and science have tested the products and it doesn't affect the baby. try using henna, water based dyes. Google it ..i did i have dyed my hair 4 times my baby is fine.. Ask your doctor so that you feel safe.
Not during your first trimester, but when you do decide to dye your hair , pick a color that will stay on your scalp for the least amount of time.
I was told NOT to dye my hair because the chemicals are dangerous to the fetus.
you should avoid all hair dyes in the first trimester

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